Thursday, August 20, 2015

Two Problems and a Solution

Recently I read this article by Julia Belluz on Vox which answers the age-old question: If there were more time in the day, what would you do with it? According to the 2015 Food and Health Survey, 36% would use an extra 4 hours per week to exercise more. Belluz gives suggestions for incorporating exercise into one's day, but missed an important opportunity: cycling as an alternative to driving. Moreover, the survey also found that 31% of respondents would spend more time with friends and/or family. As a parent, a lot of my "commuting" (getting kids to and from school and activities, as well as running errands) is done with my kids, and sometimes with friends and/or my spouse.

The very same day, the New York Times published an article by Jane E. Brody on the "Well" Personal Health blog, outlining the price children pay for screen addiction. Among studies showing myriad health effects, from stunted social development to increased violent behavior, one personal anecdote jumped out at me:

"Two of my grandsons... stay plugged into their hand-held devices on the ride to and from school. 'There’s no conversation anymore,' said their grandfather, who often picks them up."

What struck me was the the image that came to mind as the obvious alternative, and my own reality:

I use this bike (unfortunately no longer available from Joe Bike) to run errands and take my kids to school and day care. Instead of weaving through the city by car with kids fighting in the back seat or plugged into electronic devices, I get my workout and my kids engage with the world... especially if we pass a construction site!

This week, I rode to the Botanic Gardens to see "Stinky" the Corpse Flower and avoided parking hassles as thousands flocked to see the rare bloom. My husband and I frequently cycle for "date nights," stopping at a nearby restaurant and taking a long route home if the weather is nice. There are so many ways to incorporate cycling into daily life that eliminate hassles (parking especially) and really don't take much more time than driving or taking mass transit. So cancel that gym membership, put away the iPads, and put the time you would've spent in your car to good use!

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