Thursday, November 26, 2015

Thankful for Stormy Skies

Last week I had to run a mundane errand downtown. I decided to make the most of it by riding my bike. The ride to my destination was uneventful; boring, even. My mind kept churning on its usual unsolvable problems, but I enjoyed myself nonetheless. The ride home was a different story. I exited the government office just as a cold front was blowing in, sending sleet-flecked gales down the city streets between the tall buildings. I was inadequately dressed, so I resolved to work up a sweat in an effort to stay warm. I unlocked my bike and pointed it straight into the oncoming storm. Two blocks later, the wind was alternately whipping me out of the bike lane and slowing my speed to a crawl. I was putting in all of my effort and literally inching along. I gritted my teeth, bent low to the handlebars, squinted my eyes to protect them from the leaves blowing in my face, and felt ice sting my cheeks as cars whizzed past while I struggled to stay upright and move in my intended direction.

It became absurd, nearly hopeless, just before the exhilaration hit.

The usual unsolvable problems were forgotten. "Enjoyment" as I typically understand it was out of the question. Suddenly, I didn't care how fast I was moving on my bike. I just needed to keep moving. I didn't care how long it took me to get home. I just needed to get there. Bizarrely, this was exactly what I needed that day. No race. No complexity. No nuance. Just a goal, and adversity.

This Thanksgiving, I reflect on recent hardships. I am extremely fortunate in so many ways, but it turns out I am most thankful for the adversity I've faced in recent years. It reminds me of what is important:


These aren't things that are raced toward. They are cultivated, often among harsh conditions. This year I am thankful for the adversity that brings the truly important things into sharp relief. Thank you for reading and have a very happy Thanksgiving.

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